Lot 615
A Very Fine Jadeite Bead and Diamond Necklace
Est HK$13,800,000 - HK$18,800,000
Live Auction

• Twenty-nine jadeite beads, measuring approximately 15.03 to 12.27mm
• Completed by a diamond clasp, brilliant-cut diamonds totalling approximately 2.35 carats
• 18 karat white gold
• (Jadeite beads) Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report, numbered KJ98838(1-3), dated 6 September 2018, Type A Jadeites, natural colour without any resin.
• 附 香港玉石鑑定中心 證書
• Length approximately 455mm

A Supreme Hierloom Jewellery The unparalleled status of jadeite bead necklace ranks it among the most sought-after form of jadeite jewellery especially in Asia. To qualify as a fine jadeite bead necklace, all beads should be in well-proportioned spherical shape, with rich emerald green colour, highly translucent, and arranged in gentle graduation. The most challenging task, however, is to have a strand of perfectly matching beads, which is only possible if the beads are carved from the same jadeite boulder. Such a boulder must be of impressive size and free of major inclusions and internal fractures in order to produce enough beads of considerable size. Usually as many as thrice the desired number of beads is required for a necklace, since only the most suitable and matching beads are selected. Since the process of fashioning jadeite beads incurred huge wastage and only a boulder of substantial weight and superb quality would be suitable, the creation of a supreme jadeite bead necklace represents the utmost pursuit for perfection in natural jadeites. Supply of quality jadeites from Burma has also significantly plummeted in recent years, which accounts for the high prices of jadeite jewellery. The Hutton-Mdivani necklace was arguably the most legendary jadeite bead necklace ever offered at auctions. Made by Cartier in the 1930’s, the necklace first appeared in auction in 1988 and fetched an astonishing 15.6 million Hong Kong dollars. It was put up for auction again in 2014 and was sold to Cartier for over 210 million Hong Kong dollars --- a tenfold increase in just less than thirty years. This testifies to the timeless appeal of a fine jadeite bead necklace, which will only become rarer in the coming future. This lot is an excellent example of a fine jadeite bead necklace, bringing together twenty-nine impressive natural jadeite beads of matching colour, translucency and texture. With bead sizes ranging from 12.27 to 15.03mm, the raw material from which this piece of jewellery originates is truly one-of-a-kind. For connoisseurs who understand the relationship between jadeite quality and its inherent value, this current jadeite bead necklace is more than a worthy piece of collector’s jewellery, it is also a priceless heirloom to pass on for generations to come.

世代傳承的傲人氣派 翡翠珠鏈作為翡翠珠寶中的經典,在藏家心目中佔據著無可比擬的崇高地位,尤其當翡翠珠子的品質出眾,而且份量十足,這種等級的翡翠珠鏈可說是百年一遇,讓藏家難以抗拒。要稱得上為一條頂級的天然翡翠珠鏈,珠子圓渾、大小均勻、色澤濃厚、水頭充足都是基本的條件,最難求的是顆顆珠子在質色上都要互相匹配,一點不差。要達到這些要求,珠鏈上的所有珠子都必須出自同一塊體積巨大的原石,而且石材不能有太多的裂紋或內含物,才足以切成一定數目和大小的珠子。再者,切好的珠子只有部分能搭配成一條項鏈,所以工匠往往要切割三倍數量的珠子,再從中甄選,才能成就簡約華美的天然翡翠珠項鏈。 由於翡翠珠鏈在打造的過程中非常耗料,而且對翡翠原石的質量要求極高,一條絕佳的翡翠珠鏈可以說是代表了對翡翠終極完美要求。近年來緬甸開採到的原石品質未如理想,供應不足,但市場需求甚切,亦是翡翠珠鏈的價錢一直居高不下的原因。拍賣場上最經典的翡翠珠項鏈一定要數Hutton-Mdivani 翡翠珠項鏈。這條項鏈於二十世紀30年代由卡地亞打造,1988年在拍賣場上首次曝光,以二百萬美元(約1560萬港元)天價成交,轟動一時,成為全球最高成交價的翡翠首飾,之後於2014年以超過二億港元售予卡地亞,在短短30年內升值十餘倍,可見翡翠珠鏈在市場上的吸引力歷年不退,完全見證了「物以罕為貴」的道理。 眼前這條翡翠項鏈共有29顆圓潤的天然翡翠珠子,直徑約12.27至15.03毫米,在同類型翡翠珠寶中絶對是至尊皇者,而且顆顆珠子顏色平均,互相匹配,發放濃郁的強綠光,原石材的質量可想而知。對於明白翡翠品質和價值之間關係的藏家來說,如此一條份量驕人的翡翠珠項鏈不但稱得上的收藏級的珍寶,也是家族傳承的最佳選擇。

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